ESR 11- Ana

Ana Cipriš, CNRS

Cooperative Scattering of Light in cold atomic clouds

Layman’s title: Cooperative scattering of light in cold atomic clouds

AIMS The object of the research is experimental study of cooperative scattering of light in cold atomic clouds. Cooperative scattering of light by an extended object such as an atomic ensemble is fundamentally different from scattering from many point-like scatterers such as single atoms. Understanding and exploiting these differences is of the main interest.

RESEARCH A magneto-optical trap (MOT) with a very large number of atoms necessary for dilute clouds with large optical thickness will be used. The interaction of light with an atomic sample containing a large number of scatterers gives rise to many cooperative effects, such as subradiance, which will be studied.

COLLABORATIONS AND SECONDMENTS Anticipated secondments are to Toptica and at the Universities of Sao Paulo and Milano.

OUTCOMES AND IMPACT  This experimental research will help us to understand better cooperative scattering of light. Moreover, it will open the way for further investigations of the role of the cooperative effects. One important aspect is the quest of Anderson localization of light with cold atoms and its relation to subradiance.

Ana Cipriš is a PhD student at Institut de Physique de Nice (INPHYNI) under supervision of Robin Kaiser. She joined the Cold Atoms Group in Nice as a PhD student in September 2017. The focus of her research is experimental study of cooperative scattering of light in cold atomic clouds.
Ana grew up in Croatia where she obtained the Master’s degree in Physics from University of Zagreb (June 2017). The objective of her research was to demonstrate cooling of atoms using optical frequency comb.