Scientific Work Packages

Scientific work packages

ColOpt research is divided into four work packages which are outlined below. These work packages are supported by fifteen individual Early Stage Research projects

1. Spatial self-organization (Lead: INLN-CNRS)

This WP studies the spontaneous emergence of regular spatial order from optomechanical nonlinearities in cold atomic ensembles as well as quantum degenerate gases.

2. Novel trapping schemes and complex light fields ( Lead: UGLAS)

This WP advances light trapping tools for application in quantum information technology realizing complex, unconventional and disordered potentials and to store information in quantum coherences.

3. Collective scattering and coupled dipoles ( Lead: UMIL)

This WP addresses phenomena of collective scattering and interaction of dipoles emerging at high optical density due to the interaction of many atomic dipoles.

4. Laser technology ( Lead: EKUT)

Two leading European laser manufacturers will advance the performance of Ti:Sapphire and semiconductor laser systems.