Tilman Esslinger (ETH) has recently been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant for his project “Mass, heat and spin transport in interlinked quantum gases”. The project is known as TransQ which aims to create to create a versatile experimental and methodological platform for exploring transport mechanisms with quantum gases. Full information is available on the ERC website
Congratulations to Tilman and his team at ETH.
Courtesy of Aidan Arnold
Dr William (Bill ) Phillips, joint Nobel Laureate in 1997 gave a public physics Lecture on Thursday 20 July: Time, Einstein and the coolest stuff in the Universe
Bill delivered an inspiring, and engaging lecture showcasing physics. The lecture was complemented by the fantastic interactive activities provided by the staff and students from University of Strathclyde’s physics department.
Liquid nitrogen brought even more excitement to lecture, and then generated ice cream for afterwards!
Courtesy of Marco Piani
Courtesy of Marco Piani
QuAMP2017 is a biennial international conference on Quantum, Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Physics. The abstract submission deadline has been EXTENDED to 24th July 2017. The meeting will cover quantum information and technology, quantum optics, ultra-cold matter, the interaction of light with molecules and plasmas. QuAMP 2017 will be held in Glasgow from 4-7 September 2017. The conference organising committee is chaired by Sonja Franke-Arnold (UGLAS), and involves other colleagues from Strathclyde, and Glasgow.
Many of our ColOpt colleagues are attending CLEO®/Europe-EQEC in Munich this week. Highlights include Tilman Esslinger’s (ETHZ) keynote on quantum simulations with quantum gases, and the invited talk from Wilhelm Kaenders (TOPTICA) titled “Time for Quantum Technologies?” Additionally Thorsten Ackemann (Strathclyde) will co-chair a plenary session and present the EPS 2017 Prizes for Applied Aspects of Quantum Electronics and Optics.
The kick-off meeting for ColOpt took place in Milano. The meeting was attended by T. Ackemann (Strathclyde), G. Robb (Strathclyde), R. Kaiser ( CNRS), N. Piovella (UMIL), T. Donner (ETHZ), H. Ritsch (UINN), C. Raab (TOPTICA) and G. Lazarev (HOLO).
Other colleagues attended via skype S. Franke-Arnold (UGLAS), S. Salma (EKUT), G. Morigi (USAAR) and J. Bain (M2).