Optimization of LCOS spatial light modulators towards photonic applications (WP2)

Adam Mazur, HOLOEYE Photonics

Spatial light modulators (SLMs) based on liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) technology have found a wide range of applications, including optical switches in telecommunication, beam shaping and steering in laser material processing, and projection applications in the field of AR/VR/MR.
With their ability for dynamic modulation of the major properties of light (phase, amplitude, or polarization) and spatial resolutions limited by the pixel size of a few micrometres, SLMs are well suited for the generation of complex light fields as needed for atom trapping potentials. However, different effects influence the quality of the output light field from LCOS devices.
My research focuses on the optimization of the reflectance and diffraction efficiency of SLMs for photonic applications. One central aspect concerning temporal stability and power handling capability is temperature control and thermal management, as physical properties of LC materials show a certain temperature dependence. If the laser is very powerful, the SLM, which works with it is becoming literally a hot topic and can be damaged. My research in this field includes investigations of diffractive properties and improvement of SLM engineering.

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