Ti:Sapphire and VECSEL Technology for Cold Atom Applications

James Doogan, M2 Lasers Ltd.

This research project focused on Ti:Sapphire laser technology development and spintronics investigations. The fellow was trained as a Laser Manufacturing Engineer as a method of familiarization with the SolsTiS Ti:Sapphire system and it’s additional modules, which developed an understanding of the fundamental laser theory driving the systems as well as the practical knowledge required to expertly build and operate the systems. M Squared provided the ESR with the opportunity to install laser systems all around the world, lasers which are a key driving force in cold atom and general physics research. This enabled interactions with world leaders in cold atom research and continues to drive research in this area. This practical exposure to the photonics industry provided an environment in which the researcher was surrounded by experts of the industry, providing ample opportunity for engagement in both individual and collaborative development of ideas associated with the research project. The Researcher’s development resulting from the provided work environment, as well as the networking events and opportunities, were the platform from which the ESR and M Squared worked together to find a suitable Master’s research project within the company; Deciding on a research scientist roll to bring one of M Squareds new prototype lasers from prototype; to product. This development also equipped the Researcher with the skills to carry out an additional Master’s research topic at Strathclyde University investigating spintronics in vertical-cavity surface emitting semi-conductors working under the supervision of the ColOpt Coordinator.

MPhil thesis
Future career

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