724. WE- Heraeus Foundation Seminar: Collective Effects and Non‐Equilibrium Quantum Dynamics 3rd-6th June 2020

724. WE- Heraeus Foundation Seminar: Collective Effects and Non‐Equilibrium Quantum Dynamics

 The event has been rescheduled for 2021.

ColOpt is excited to be the scientific organiser for this event. We have some fantastic invited speakers. Highlights include V. Vuletic from MIT and E. Meron from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. The event is open to academics, and students. Everyone can bring a poster and some will be selected to give short talks. There’ll be some great science and lots of opportunities to exchange ideas and to network. To join send us your abstract via the link below and if you are accepted you only need to cover travel costs. Application and event information: https://www.we-heraeus-stiftung.de/veranstaltungen/seminare/2020/collective-effects-and-non-equilibrium-quantum-dynamics/