Network event in Porquerolles, Sept 2019

The next network event of ColOpt will take place in Porquerolles in southern France close to our partner node of the Universite Cote d’Azur. The scientific program will include progress reports of the early stage researchers, invited lectures from our partners Romain Bachelard, Sao Carlos, and Philipp Slusallek (DFKI, Saarbruecken) on cold atom physics and artificial intelligence and from  David Wilkowski (NTU Singgapore) as external invited speaker.  Further training is on IP issues provided by Markus Gangl (Torggler & Hofinger, Inssbruck) and single-photon detection in quantum information provided by Jean-Michel Laurent from Andor. The event closes with a common workshop with the Strathclyde-Universite Cote d’Azur International Associated Laboratory SOLACE (Self-Organization in Lasers and Atoms and Coherence Effects) financed by the CNRS on photonics, photonic materials and quantum information.