ColOpt Winterschool IOP Sponsored Talk and Poster Prizes


IOP Sponsored Talk Prize

Five delegates were invited to present their posters as a short talk during the programme. Delegates voted for the best talk. Two prizes were awarded to:

Giuseppe Baio (University of Strathclyde) for his presentation on Optomechanical self-structuring of cold atoms with structured light.and Rui Lin (ETH- Zurich) Steady state limit cycle, and chaos in a blue de-tuned cavity-BEC system

IOP Sponsored Poster Prizes

Based on the review by speakers and ESRs from the organising committee two poster prizes were awarded to:

Emil Andre Technical University of Denmark for his poster “On collective Rabi splitting in nanolasers and -LEDs.”

Neel Mackinnon University of Glasgow for his poster “The Conservation of Helicity in a Chiral Medium.”