724. WE- Heraeus Foundation Seminar: Collective Effects and Non‐Equilibrium Quantum Dynamics
The event has been rescheduled for 2021.
ColOpt is excited to be the scientific organiser for this event. We have some fantastic invited speakers. Highlights include V. Vuletic from MIT and E. Meron from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. The event is open to academics, and students. Everyone can bring a poster and some will be selected to give short talks. There’ll be some great science and lots of opportunities to exchange ideas and to network. To join send us your abstract via the link below and if you are accepted you only need to cover travel costs. Application and event information: https://www.we-heraeus-stiftung.de/veranstaltungen/seminare/2020/collective-effects-and-non-equilibrium-quantum-dynamics/
The next network event of ColOpt will take place in Porquerolles in southern France close to our partner node of the Universite Cote d’Azur. The scientific program will include progress reports of the early stage researchers, invited lectures from our partners Romain Bachelard, Sao Carlos, and Philipp Slusallek (DFKI, Saarbruecken) on cold atom physics and artificial intelligence and from David Wilkowski (NTU Singgapore) as external invited speaker. Further training is on IP issues provided by Markus Gangl (Torggler & Hofinger, Inssbruck) and single-photon detection in quantum information provided by Jean-Michel Laurent from Andor. The event closes with a common workshop with the Strathclyde-Universite Cote d’Azur International Associated Laboratory SOLACE (Self-Organization in Lasers and Atoms and Coherence Effects) financed by the CNRS on photonics, photonic materials and quantum information.
IOP Sponsored Talk Prize
Five delegates were invited to present their posters as a short talk during the programme. Delegates voted for the best talk. Two prizes were awarded to:
Giuseppe Baio (University of Strathclyde) for his presentation on Optomechanical self-structuring of cold atoms with structured light.and Rui Lin (ETH- Zurich) Steady state limit cycle, and chaos in a blue de-tuned cavity-BEC system
IOP Sponsored Poster Prizes
Based on the review by speakers and ESRs from the organising committee two poster prizes were awarded to:
Emil Andre Technical University of Denmark for his poster “On collective Rabi splitting in nanolasers and -LEDs.”
Neel Mackinnon University of Glasgow for his poster “The Conservation of Helicity in a Chiral Medium.”
Conference website
Long-range interactions decaying as an inverse power-law in the separation between the system constituents are ubiquitous in nature. Prime examples are fundamental forces like gravity and electrostatic Coulomb forces. The past decade has witnessed a surge in interest in the field, be it in the statistical physics community studying the peculiar dynamic and thermodynamic properties of longrange systems, or, within the atomic and quantum many-body physics community, where long-range interactions have been engineered in ion trap experiments, ultracold atomic and molecular gases, cavity quantum electrodynamics, and others.
While noteworthy progress has been made in many directions, research in the different sub-fields has been only weakly connected. Furthermore, while the equilibrium properties have received a lot of attention, the process of equilibration appears to be as rich with many surprises but which has been much less explored. All these call for a timely overview of the common characteristics, methods, and challenges in the study of the dynamics of long-range systems. This workshop aims to be an up-to-date account of this rapidly evolving topic by gathering members from the different communities who will discuss fundamental results as well as applications to experimental results.
This workshop will be a Satellite Meeting of StatPhys27, the largest conference on statistical physics to be held during 8-12 July, 2019 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The main topics that will be discussed at the workshop:
- Statistical physics of long-range interacting systems;
- Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics;
- Thermalization of classical and quantum systems;
- Long-range interactions in cold atomic gases;
- Ion trap-based long-range spin systems;
- Dipolar physics and Rydberg atoms;
- Classical and quantum magnetism.
Peter Barker, Lecture 2
The ColOpt winterschool running this week here in Herrsching. We had two days with Tilmann Esslinger, Peter Barker and Francesco Piazza speaking at the school. The school is running all week with different speakers, delegate poster presentations and talks from selected poster abstracts.
Lasers and optical physics are back in focus after the 2018 Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded to Arthur Ashkin, Gérard Mourou, and Donna Strickland. The prize was awarded for work with lasers, and optical tweezers.
Special congratulations and thanks from ColOpt to Arthur Ashkin as his pioneering work is on optomechanical forces and optomechanical trapping is central for our research interest.
For full details of the prize follow the links: Nobel Prize 2018 and the work are in the APS article: Focus: Nobel Prize—Lasers as Tools
As part of YAO 2018 ColOpt sponsored the Bill Phillips public outreach lecture at the Glasgow Science Centre.
Our fifteen Researchers presented interactive experiments at the Glasgow Science Centre during our ColOpt science day on the 15th September 2018.
The ColOpt Team
Bubble Experiment
More bubbles
Dr Bunhead_ ColOpt Science Day
Our third network training event is taking place this week in Milan. We are hosted by Prof Nicola Piovella, at the University of Milan, in the historic Sala Napoleonica.